[fpc-pascal]Amiga snapshot (was heap and stack size )

Sasu Purola sasu.purola at novotek.com
Fri Jan 31 09:08:37 CET 2003

Hmm, I have not yet been able to use it, as it thinks that sysamiga.ppu and sysamiga.o has different dates and wan'ts to compile it again but As there is no RTL source files it can't do it. Old amiga 0.9.5 files won't do it and win32 snapshots files won't work either... :(

I also tried changing filedates to be same. That way it will compile examples from 0.9.5 arhive but random crashes in compiled programs happens...

How about adding those rtl sources&include files to archive?

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Eric Codere [mailto:carl.codere at optimasc.com]
Sent: 19. tammikuuta 2003 1:14
To: fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org
Subject: [fpc-pascal]Amiga snapshot (was heap and stack size )

> Could you make lha archive of your current fpc amiga 
> version and place it > somewhe in net as I didn't 
> succeed to crosscompile my own.

         I've finally done the script for creating
snapshots for the amiga target. I'll upload a 
an amiga snapshot this monday. Since this is not
a full release, you'll have to configure the compiler
yourself, as well as install the GNU as/ld/ixemul lib yourself
to make it work. Please let me know if you have problems
with it ....


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