[fpc-pascal]Destroy Instance

Andrew J.Swan [home] ajs at nuvse.com
Tue Jan 28 22:18:32 CET 2003

* Luis Del Aguila [LDA] [Tuesday, January 28, 2003] wrote:
* subject: [fpc-pascal]Destroy Instance
* msgid:00af01c2c6fb$8a85a320$491e30c8 at mesajil

LDA> Type
LDA>   TClase1 = Class
LDA>     campo1:string;
LDA>   End;
LDA>   TClase2 = Class (TClase1)
LDA>     campo2:string;
LDA>   End;

LDA> Var b:Tclase2;
LDA> Begin
LDA>   b:=TClase2.create;
LDA>   b.campo1:='hola';
LDA>   b.campo2:='hola2';
LDA>   Writeln(b.campo2);
LDA>   b.destroy;             //if destroy the instance .
       b.Free ;
LDA>   Writeln(b.campo2);     // Why the instance exist?
LDA>   Write('presione enter para terminar');readln
LDA> End.


* Best regards ...
  `  _ ,  '       :: Linux Registered User [#168882]
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- They might or they might not, You never can tell with bees.  --  [Winnie-the-Pooh]

>mid:00af01c2c6fb$8a85a320$491e30c8 at mesajil

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