[fpc-pascal]stack and heap sizes

Mark Emerson mark at angelbase.com
Mon Jan 6 22:40:38 CET 2003

This is extremely good news.  Let me ask (to be certain I understand),
can the stack effectively grow the the limit of memory?  Or will there
be an artificial ceiling?


Jonas Maebe wrote:
> On maandag, jan 6, 2003, at 20:40 Europe/Brussels, Mark Emerson wrote:
> > The {$M} directive can be used to set the stack and heap size.
> >
> > How can I find out what the default stack and heap sizes are if {$M} is
> > NOT used?
> I'm not sure if they're documented anywhere, but they don't really
> matter: they all grow automatically as your program needs more of them
> under all supported OS'es currently.
> Jonas
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