[fpc-pascal]Using FPC to write an OS.

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Fri Jan 3 19:44:11 CET 2003

> > > 
> > > How do you start it with grub? I have never used grub before...
> > 
> > I never tried it, but IIRC the Grub bootloader can take an ELF binary
> > from a partition and start is as kernel.
> > 
> > How to do it exactly, I don't know.
> Could someone explain to me how to use the fakertl to use with your own
> OS ?

It is a skeleton _only_, to build on top of, you have to fill it with your
own OS. Try to follow e.g. the Linux RTL (mainly the system unit), and try
to understand what each procedure does, and if you need it.

> And how to install it in your Linux system. I assume that once
> installed you can specify your os with fpc via a switch ?

No, since FPC has no support for your OS. Simply ignore that for now. Keep
using the Linux target, but give it the fakertl (or a stripped down Linux
system unit with all linux specific syscalls replaced by the ones of your
own OS)

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