[fpc-pascal]Strange error

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Feb 27 11:14:42 CET 2003

Hi all,

I'm trying to port the turbopower internet pro html viewer to lazarus. I use
the delphi mode and the fpc 1.0.7 [2003/02/21] for i386. Now there are two
strange error messages, and I neither know, what they mean, nor how to get
rid of:

iphtml.pas(3662,3) Error: Symbol can't be published, can be only a class
iphtml.pas(3663,1) Error: Symbol can't be published, can be only a class

The lines are:

3656 procedure TIpHtmlNode.ScreenPolygon(
3657       Points : array of TPoint;
3658       const Color : TColor);
3659 var
3660   Pt : TPoint;
3661   i : Integer;
3662   SaveColor : TColor;
3663 begin
3664   for i := 0 to High(Points) do begin
3665     Pt := PagePtToScreen(Points[i]);
3666     Points[i] := Pt;
3667   end;
3668   Owner.Target.Pen.Color := Color;
3669   SaveColor := Owner.Target.Brush.Color;
3670   Owner.Target.Brush.Color := Color;
3671   Owner.Target.Polygon(Points);
3672   Owner.Target.Brush.Color := SaveColor;
3673 end;


  TIpHtmlNode = class(TPersistent)

Any hints are welcome.


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