[fpc-pascal]Amiga snapshot (was heap and stack size )

Carl Eric Codere carl.codere at optimasc.com
Sat Feb 1 13:29:04 CET 2003

>Hmm, I have not yet been able to use it, as it thinks that sysamiga.ppu
and >sysamiga.o has different dates and wan'ts to compile it again but As
there is >no RTL source files it can't do it. Old amiga 0.9.5 files won't
do it and >win32 snapshots files won't work either... :(

          Sorry, yes i tested it on my machine and it seems to work,
but it does not to be the case, here is what Nils Sjoholm did when he noticed
the problem (I'll try to upload a new snpashot, hopefully tested more thouroughly
this weekend!):

>>just did a test with the compiler on ftp.
>>I had some problem to compile hello.pas, the compiler
>>want the source for units. Had to use touch and then
>>it was happy. Had to make the .o files newer than .ppu

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