[fpc-pascal]Documentation about FCL

Aitor SantamarĂ­a Merino aitor.sm at wanadoo.es
Thu Aug 14 14:10:06 CEST 2003


Is there a (free) place where to find information about the FCL? 
Specifically, I just want to know the public fields, properties and 
methods of each class (and prototype), if possible a brief description 
of what each class is for, and a colour map for the Object chart (what 
is green, yellow, gray,...).

Something similar as for LCL 
(http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/lcl_doc/allclass.html) is ok, but 
checking directly the sources is a pain, because of being so many 
includes. It seems that the distribution and file dependency tree is 
good for compiling, but not quite readable. For example, I was trying to 
see the TList implementation, but in lists.inc there's a small TList 
commented out, so I don't have the faintest idea of where to go.

Thanks in advance,

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