[fpc-pascal]what Programming Environment : Editor & Debugger

Stefan Becker becker at lufa-speyer.de
Thu Aug 7 00:32:59 CEST 2003

dear Pascal'ers,

I've just searched the net and freepascal.org in the hope of finding some
info on what and how to set up a working environment with linux.

So far I've done all my editing and debuging on a DOS machine with
Borland 7.0 - and "just" recompiling my applications with freepascal
for linux. 

I want to go to a pure linux environment - so now the question.....

What editor or program should I use and work my way into?
It would be nice to have a debugger also.  Is there any
"finished" packages that I could use?

The FreePascal website talks about a "fp IDE" and I remember
seeing it for DOS.  Does this exist for linux?  

many thanks,

Stefan Becker

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