[fpc-pascal]OpenGL/GLUT run time error when I whant compile this code

Sebastian Günther sg at freepascal.org
Sat Apr 5 20:56:30 CEST 2003

Am Sam, 2003-04-05 um 04.02 schrieb Karim Forsthofer:

> Now, when I whant to run to code, I get some Run time errors on the console: 
> Runtime error 216 at 0x4052F5CA
>    0x4051F5CA
> Runtime error 216 at 0x0804C1CA
>    0x0849C1CA
>    0x0805127E

Compile with -gl as additional argument; this will dump the line number
and source file of the crash. RTE 216 is an access violation, i.e. some
pointer error. But the bug is not necessarily located in your code.

- Sebastian

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