[fpc-pascal]autodoc generation

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Mon Sep 9 15:45:02 CEST 2002

Florian Klaempfl wrote:

> I think the best solution would be if we would merge our changes into 
> the sourceforge
> project. Is the maintainer of pasdoc reachable?

No. I haven't had a reply from Marco for almost 2 years. There is 
another fork of Pasdoc that was made but focuses totally on Win32 and 
Delphi and probably won't work with FPC any more.

I can try to reach Marco again and see if he wants to turn over the 

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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