[fpc-pascal]Graphik with FPC 1.06 DOS Compiler on a 815 Board
Hans-Joachim Holtzmann
hajo.holtzmann at on-line.de
Wed Sep 4 23:17:22 CEST 2002
Hi all,
I have a problem to draw graphiks on a HP-Vectra with Intel 815 Board (PIII 933MHz) with integrated Graphik. I muist work with NT 4.0 SP6a in a DOS-box
The test of Graphikmode and Graphikdriver results 3 and 18.
gm=18 is correct it is a 16 bit graphik with 1024*758 Points.
gd=3 is wrong because the dokumentation tells me I should get nummbers >30000.
If I start Mandel the screen is black and after keypressing the normal text-screen will be back with the message the program needs 3...seconds to create the graphic.
The problem is the same with compilerversion 1.04.
What can I do to fix the problem?
have a nice day
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