[fpc-pascal]How to call a variable of a procedural type?

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Sat Oct 26 13:13:44 CEST 2002

At 05:47 26-10-2002, you wrote:
>Hello, every body
>   I write codes as the following:
> >>>>>>>>
>type TFunc = function : integer;
>function myfunction:integer;
>   Result:=100;
>   fun : TFunc;
>   a   : integer;
>   fun:=TFunc;
>   a:=fun; //@1
>   writeln(fun); //@2
>   When I compile it, compiler report that at line of "@1" there's an error.
>But when I comment the line of "@1", the line of "@2" can work well.
>   I don't know how to return the value of a procedural function variable. 
> Can
>anybody tell me that? And tell me what's the different of lines between "@1"
>and "@2".

the writeln(fun) calls function fun() and writes the result of the function.

you should use the following code:



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