[fpc-pascal]Win32 windows update

Nikolai Zhubr s001 at hotbox.ru
Wed Oct 23 00:28:00 CEST 2002

Wednesday, 23 October, 2002, 1:06:27, Hans MÃ¥rtensson wrote:
> I've tried to add in the next line after the adding the character to my
> string,  some procedure to update the window. I've tried
> UpdateWindow(window), ShowWindow(window,ws_show),
> PostMessage(window,wm_paint,0,0) and more but none works. The window is NOT
> updated until I resize it.

> So how do you get the OS to immediately update the window and redraw
> everything in it and show the result?

To my knowledge most usual way is to call InvalidateRect. (Its
ok to specify the entire window for invalidation, to be simple)
As a result you normally get WM_PAINT then as soon as no other
messages in the queue.
Best regards,
 Nikolai Zhubr

> Hans Maartensson

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