
Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Mon Nov 4 11:36:12 CET 2002

> Could someone help me out here. I didn't even write this pascal file,
> yet it throws 'Range Check Errors' in the program particularly with this
> ip address:
> If it chucks an error with that address, the function mustn't work very
> well, but I can't seem to see what's wrong with it.
> function StrToAddr(s : String) : LongInt;
> var
>    r, i, p, c : LongInt;
>    t : String;
> begin
>    r := 0;
>    for i := 0 to 3 do
>    begin
>       p := Pos('.', s);
>       if p = 0 then p := Length(s) + 1;
>       if p <= 1 then exit;
>       t := Copy(s, 1, p - 1);
>       Delete(s, 1, p);
>       Val(t, p, c);
>       if (c <> 0) or (p < 0) or (p > 255) then exit;
>       r := r or p shl (i * 8);
>    end;
>    StrToAddr := r;
> end;
> Does someone have a fixed version of this function, or can someone fix
> it please?

Simple, in the last iteration you shift a 8 bit number by 3*8=24. So if the
last value is larger than 127, the longint (which is 31-bit + 1 sign)

So the problem is r (and the expression with the shl) being calculated in
longints. Use a 32-bit _unsigned_ value, like cardinal.

Try to make r and p cardinal

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