[fpc-pascal]Graph for Windows

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Thu May 30 11:03:31 CEST 2002

> On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 07:35:51PM -0700, Rich Pasco wrote:
> > I suppose that I can "mix and match" by using both CRT and WinCRT,
> > but I feel like I'm in uncharted territory here.  Are there any
> > documents that would help?
> You could try it like this:
> c1 := CRT.ReadKey;
> c2 := WinCRT.ReadKey;
> You should then always use the unit name.
> If you don't, it uses that unit, that comes later in the unit clause. 

The danger is more that the initialisation code of both units do
the same things and are mutually exclusive.
 (which is pretty much the same problem as Jonas said about using Crt and
Graph on Linux)

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