[fpc-pascal]ide for fpc: wrong borders under X (xterm, KDE konsole)

Marcus Roeckrath marcus.roeckrath at gmx.de
Mon May 20 16:22:37 CEST 2002

Hi Michael,

Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be wrote on Montag, 20. Mai 2002 15:52 about Re: 
[fpc-pascal]ide for fpc: wrong borders under X (xterm, KDE konsole):

> The docs already contain a list of options. I added the -T because that one
> was new for me.

Which doc? I could not find such a doc file in the idelinux-nogdb.tar.gz I 
downloaded from the FreePascal-Homepage.


Gruss Marcus

Marcus Roeckrath -- Vikarsbusch 8 -- D-48308 Senden -- Germany
Phone  : +49-2536-9944 -- Mailer/BBS/Fax : +49-2536-9943 (V34, X75)
FidoNet: 2:2449/523
E-Mail : marcus.roeckrath at gmx.de
WWW    : http://home.foni.net/~marcusroeckrath/

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