[fpc-pascal]problems with while not eoln (input)

Morten Gulbrandsen morten.gulbrandsen at t-online.de
Fri May 3 10:27:39 CEST 2002

If I attempt to read characters into a packed array 
from a terminal, this piece of code seems to be a problem.


    while not eoln(input)
            do begin
               read(input, ch);
               if not eoln(input)
                  then begin
                     ind := ind + 1;
                     line[ind] := ch;

Can I modify eoln with some compiler option ?

complete sample program is attached.

It is from a textbook written for UCSD  Apple Pascal
I think apple has  \n\r\f  as cr   windows has \n\r   and linux has only

as cr, but I don't know if this is relevant.

Yours Sincerely

Morten Gulbrandsen
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