[fpc-pascal]getting my local ip
ron wilson
ron.wilson at coastgames.com
Fri Mar 15 17:08:03 CET 2002
thanks - i tried this once before and i got this compiler error:
_revproxy.pp(37,29) Error: Array type required
_revproxy.pp(344) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
here is my code. (its under construction, but this at least should compile.
21 function getlocalip: ansistring;
22 var
23 pc: pchar;
24 ac: array[0..255] of char;
25 phe: phostent;
26 i: integer;
27 // addr: in_addr;
28 s: ansistring;
29 begin
30 if (gethostname(ac,sizeof(ac))=SOCKET_ERROR) then halt;
31 writeln('host name is: ',ac);
32 phe:=gethostbyname(ac);
33 if phe=nil then halt;
34 // writeln(sizeof(phe^.h_addr_list^));
36 i:=0;
37 while not(phe^.h_addr_list[i]=nil) do
38 begin
39 pc:=phe^.h_addr_list[i];
40 s:=strpas(pc);
41 writeln('address ',i,': ',s);
42 inc(i);
43 end;
44 getlocalip:=s;
45 end;
i just assumed i was doing something wrong with my syntax when i got that
error. any suggestions?
ron wilson
-----Original Message-----
From: fpc-pascal-admin at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl
[mailto:fpc-pascal-admin at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl]On Behalf Of Michael Van
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 9:12 AM
To: fpc-pascal at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl
Subject: RE: [fpc-pascal]getting my local ip
On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, ron wilson wrote:
> ok - thats what i thought - so they both point to the same memory area.
> question is this then: how do i access the list. i guess my pascal
> is too far gone. i understand pointers pretty well, but in this case, i'm
> lost. what we have here is a pointer to pchar - ^pchar. so to access the
> first pchar in the list i would code this:
> program test;
> var
> pc: pchar;
> h: hostent;
> begin
> /* fill h here */
> pc:=stralloc(sizeof(h.h_addr_list^));
> strpcopy(pc,h.h_addr_list^);
> writeln(pc);
> end.
No, no. You can use the fact that a pointer can be considered as a
pointer to an array.
While h.h_addr_list[i]<>Nil do
PC:=h_addr_list[i]; // Get pchar pointer
S:=StrPas(pc); // Convert to pascal string.
// Do something with S.
Have a look at the inet unit, the GetAlias method. It does exactly the
same for Linux.
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