[fpc-pascal]interrupt 13h

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Mon Mar 4 17:39:14 CET 2002

>                     r.ch:=$00;
>                     r.cl:=$01;
>                     r.al:=$01;
>                     r.es:=seg(buffer);
>                     r.bx:=ofs(buffer);
>                     intr($13,r);
>                     write(i)
>                end;
>           writeln('buffer leido');
>           for i:=0 to 512 do
>                begin
>                      write(buffer[i])
>                end;
>            readln
> end.
>  the fpc 1.0.4 compile ok.
>  but I when run the program don't  read  the sector.
>  I use the unit DOS, the target compile is Win32 and my Operating system is
> Windows Me.
> I compile the program with TP 6.0, and it run ok.
> Can you help me?

Read the manual, specifically the part that lists the differences between
32-bit systems FPC (and Delphi)  and BP/TP.

It is better there than I can explain here.

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