[fpc-pascal]What's going on?

Trevor Jenkins Trevor.Jenkins at suneidesis.com
Thu Jun 27 10:30:28 CEST 2002

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Aitor SantamarĂ­a wrote:

> This is a test message. In the latest 48h I have picked no less than 6 
> messages of messages with possible viruses that had been removed by some 
> mail agent.

I am getting the same messages. 

> With this message I want to test that I still can send to the list, and 
> second, please can someone reply, to see if you are reding this and my 
> subscription to the mailing list is ok?

That I've replied should tell you something. :-)

Let's hope that everyone using a mail agent capable of distributing
virus-ridden messages uses these public notifications as a reminder to
verify that their anti-virus software is up-to-date and remains so. If not
they need to take the hint. :-| Or perhaps they should write AV software
in FPC; well I had to get it back on track for the list. :-)

Regards, Trevor

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<>< Re: deemed!

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