[fpc-pascal]MySQL under Windows

Mirek Novak mirek.novak at auto.cz
Thu Jul 25 10:06:34 CEST 2002

Fernando Lozano wrote:
> Hi Florian,
>>>I am using FPC 1.0.6 under Windows 98 and MySQL 3.23.49.
>>>The simple test program bellow generates a run-time error 103
>>I just checked with 3.23.51 and the TMySQL record has indeed new fields. 
>>Any opionions about updating
>>the mysql import unit to match the 3.23.51 C headers?
> I guess the record had changed before 3.23.51. Using the latest release availabe (and state this on the README so at least I know which release of MySQL to install) is the best for me.
>>>Maybe you should distribute the libmysql.dll used when compiling FPC 
>>>alongside the binaries. :-)

YES - AFAIK its true.

>>Hmmm, doesn't the libmysql.dll have to match the server?
NO - client version is not dependent on server version as far as the communication protocol is not changed

> I guess no. The Windows port of PHP has allways included the mysql client DLLs and I never had problems whatever the MySQL version I used. Besides, I do not need to have a MySQL server on my Windows box, I may use a remote MySQL server on Linux.
> If this were true, we'd have to allways recompile the MySQL unit to match our MySQL install. It doesn't makes sense.
(if client lib changes)

> []s, Fernando Lozano

Mirek Novak
Anima Publishers
CMS development


jabber:mirek at njs.netlab.cz

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