[fpc-pascal]Two bugs in Win32 CRT unit

Rich Pasco pasco at acm.org
Fri Apr 5 04:06:28 CEST 2002

I am pleased to report that both of the bugs referenced below seem to
have been fixed in the 1.0.6 prerelease announced on Wednesday.

On Sat, 02 Mar 2002 01:02:55 -0800, Rich Pasco wrote:

> I am using the latest released version from http://www.freepascal.org/
> version 1.04 to port some Borland Pascal for DOS programs to Win32
> console apps.  I have noticed two annoying bugs in the CRT unit:
> (1) ClrEOL does not respect TextBackground
> In the Borland Pascal for DOS version, ClrEOL sets the background
> color of an entire line according to the most recent TextBackground
> call.  However, in Free Pascal for Win 32, it sets the background
> color to black, regardless.  Here is a sample program:
>   uses CRT;
>   begin
>     TextBackground(cyan);
>     ClrEol;
>     WriteLn('hi');
>   end.
> This should produce a full-width cyan line, with the letters "hi"
> occupying the first two spaces.  Indeed, in Borland Pascal it does.
> However in Free Pascal, the only the "hi" have the cyan background.
> (2) Keystrokes not registered until upstroke
> Not only does this give the user poor visual feedback, it also has the
> by-product that typematic doesn't work.  Try holding down the "x" key
> while running this program, first compiled in BP for DOS, then in FP
> for Win32:
>   uses
>     CRT;
>   var
>     k: char;
>   begin
>     WriteLn('Type a few words.  Hit Enter to quit:');
>     repeat
>       k := ReadKey;
>       if k=#0 then Readkey (* discard second half of function keys *)
>       else write(K) (* but echo ASCII to screen *)
>     until k=#$0D;   (* terminate with ENTER key *)
>   end.
> My compliler switches include -Sgico for what it's worth.
>      - Rich
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