[fpc-pascal]Help with TCP/IP communications on linux or WIN32

Stefan Becker becker at lufa-sp.vdlufa.de
Thu Sep 6 12:11:39 CEST 2001

dear friends,

I would need to look into writing a programm that is able to
monitor the state of a device (like the temperatur) and send 
the result back to a "requesting" station.

I'm thinking of something like a telnet session with a programm
listening to a certain socket (in inetd.conf?).

a great start would be if someone would know of a telnet
source code, or a simple smtp client source written for
free pascal (linux or win32).

my best regards,

LUFA Speyer (EDV)
email: becker at lufa-sp.vdlufa.de
tel  : +49 (0)6232-629542
fax  : +49 (0)6232-629544

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