[fpc-pascal]RE: FreePascal installation for OS2 / accessing PostgreSQL database

SchiSchi schischi at bigfoot.de
Fri May 25 09:01:57 CEST 2001

Hallo Arne,

thank you for your answer.

Yes I've tested also VPascal.
Usually I use the Sibyl compiler, which is quite similar to Delphi.

My original intention to test VPascal and FreePascal is, that I try to
get a client interface to PostgreSQL working under OS2 using the written
Pascal units. But I've bad luck. Something is (or I'm doing) wrong. EMX,
the Postgres-DLL (PQ.DLL) and my unit (imports PQ.DLL functions) does
not work together somehow.

Also delivered sample units for FreePascal and VPascal I do not get
running. Somewhere a file "c.a" is requested, I do not have. Using the
other compiler (and sample) I get the result "Connection terminated by
SIGSEV" (from EMX).

All I know is, PostgreSql installation is correct, because the delivered
PSQL.EXE does work.

I'm nearly at the end of my ideas.

Any comments are welcome.

Best Regards and Thanks.

P.S.: Please answer to schischi at bigfoot.de too, I'm not a member of the
list yet.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: ext Arne Hanssen [mailto:arneh at enitel.no]
>Sent: Sonntag, 20. Mai 2001 10:16
>To: schischi at bigfoot.de
>Subject: FreePascal installation for OS2
>----- Forwarded message from SchiSchi <schischi at bigfoot.de> -----
>I've downloaded os2104.zip (EMX version - for OS/2 and DOS) and
>installed it. In readme.txt it is mentioned to test:
>ppos2 hello    (for EMX version)
>----- End forwarded message -----
>Have you concidered Virtual Pascal (www.vpascal.com) for OS/2
>development?  I think VP is a better Pascal compiler for this
>plattform than FPC (VP is a native OS/2 compiler, which later
>on was extended to support Win32) - and it is (now) free.
>Vennlig hilsen / Best regards     |\     ___,,--,        _
>Arne Hanssen, Senja, Norway       /,`--''        \-,,__,'/
>http://home.enitel.no/arneh      |,4   ) )_    ) /~-----'
>http://home.c2i.net/bkgras -----'---^~(_/-_)--(_/_)-------

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