[fpc-pascal]dos approx delay fn that releases cpu

Jonas jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Wed May 9 17:32:00 CEST 2001

On woensdag, mei 9, 2001, at 05:08 , Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

>> Perhaps this is the problem area you should be addressing, rather than
>> trying to find a sleep/delay procedure for GO32V2.
> I also think this should be addressed then, instead of some ad-hoc 
> patch.
> If you can explain (preferably with some example code) the probles 
> you're
> having with locked files, maybe we can try to solve them.

The problem is that Windows keeps a lock on a file for a few seconds 
after a (Win32) program has released it, that's all. It's an OS 
bug/feature, I don't think you can work around it in your program 
(except for always trying during 2 seconds or so to open a file before 
giving up, but that's not very nice)


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