[fpc-pascal]Problem reading "Pos1" and "End" Keys with Linux

Stefan Becker becker at lufa-sp.vdlufa.de
Wed May 2 09:05:14 CEST 2001

dear Pascal list,

After trying my wits with the CRT NCRT and OCRT units, I
still can not read the "Pos1" or "End" Keys from the
Terminal. All other Keys return single or double Codes just
like the old dos Terminal would with TP.

For example the "Pos1" key returns a sequence of "#27 '[' #72"
instead of the the normal "#0 #71"

Does someone know a way to get this to work right.

BTW: SuSE Linux 6.4 with KDE Terminal

my thanks,
Stefan Becker

LUFA Speyer (EDV)
email: becker at lufa-sp.vdlufa.de
tel  : +49 (0)6232-629542
fax  : +49 (0)6232-629544

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