[fpc-pascal]FPC and MySQL

Anderson R. Livramento andi at digilab.com.br
Fri Mar 9 14:04:16 CET 2001


I'm writing a program in fpc for Linux, using a connection to mysql, but I 
need the "libmysqlclient" of Red Hat Linux 5.0 [Hurricane]. Does anybody 
know where I find it, because others "libs" versions do not work on Red Hat 5.0

Thanks for help.

   ,o888b,`?88888 Anderson R. Livramento
,8888 888   ?888 REDES E CONECTIVIDADE - Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento
8888888P'    888 Digilab S.A - Solucoes digitais
888P'        888 Florianopolis - SC - Brasil
`88   O     d888 http://www.digilab.com.br
   `?._  _.o888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
                  "Onde quer que vc esteja, vc sempre estara la."

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