[fpc-pascal]Read STIN on FreeBSD

Noah silva nsilva at atari-source.com
Thu Mar 8 19:42:36 CET 2001

Perhaps I misunderstand the question,

but couldn't you use Readln, read, or keypressed/readkey? (if you use the
CRT unit).  Under most systems (and Pascals), stdin is assigned to be the
default for readln (and likewise stdout for writeln).  So, to read in a
string from the standard input, you could use:


If you were looking for a charicter by charicter basis, you could use
readkey.  If you need more examples, let me know.

   noah silva

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Neilson Henriques wrote:

> Hi fellows ...
>     I'm a newbie using FPC so I asking for how can I read stdin. 
>     My FPC is 1.0.4 running under FreeBSD. 
>     Thanks in advance. 
>     Neilson 
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