[fpc-pascal]FPC on the press

Fernando Lozano fsl at centroin.com.br
Fri Jul 13 17:55:55 CEST 2001

Hi there!

> > Borland CLX today required only Qt, not the full set of KDE libs. But
> > they designed a "windowsing toolkit abstraction layer" so they can
> > replace dynamic libs and so make CLX use GTK+ instead. 
> Thats not really true. CLX is totally tied to QT, down to a fairly low level. 
> They could re-write it to use GTK, but why do they need to?

Borland techinical staff told there is the abstraction layer as I told, and this was also said during the Kylix tour here.

> Not really - it's buit into QT, so it's transparrent. It's QT that does all the 
> theme-ing, which you actually originally mentiond as a plus point for GTK!!!

The Borland staff wasn't speaking about themes, but about really using Qt or GTK+ widgets. The same abstraction layer may permit CLX use Windows Controls instead of Qt widgets.

> >But today Kylix uses only Qt, not
> > GTK+ (and GTK+ itself is more cross-plataform).
> QT is very portable. The difference is the cost alone.

There are any ports of Qt for other plataforms besides Windows and Unix (X11) today? And only the Linux port can be GPLed?

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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