[fpc-pascal]Cursor-Procedures in Assembler

Andreas Kasparek aka Alamais aka Kaspi andreas.kasparek at fh-furtwangen.de
Wed Jan 17 23:31:29 CET 2001


Little Question:
Can someone translate me these TP procedures to run with FreePascal? I
don't really know anything about Assembler... Thanx alot!

Procedure CursorOff; ASSEMBLER;
        MOV     AH, 03h
        MOV     BH, 00h
        INT     10h
        OR      CH, 20h
        MOV     AH, 01h
        INT     10h
end; { CursorOff }

Procedure CursorOn; ASSEMBLER;
        MOV     AH, 03h
        MOV     BH, 00h
        INT     10h
        AND     CH, 0DFh
        MOV     AH, 01h
        INT     10h
end; { CursorOn }

  Hasta lügo

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