[fpc-pascal] chdir problem? -- 2nd request

Gabor DEAK JAHN djg at argus.vki.bke.hu
Tue Jan 16 18:47:23 CET 2001

At 01/16/2001 06:30, you wrote:

Dear Jim,

> I use the following function
>      exec (getenv ('COMSPEC'),concat (' /C ',Command,' "',FileName,'"'));

The one I mentioned uses /K instead of /C, this leaves the second invocation 
of the command interpreter running (/C exits immediately, so it changes the 
directory than reverts it back to the previous one immediately as the 
interpreter exits). This works on NT but I don't know whether the command 
interpreter in 9x's supports this switch or not.


   Gabor DEAK JAHN

Gabor DEAK JAHN -- Budapest, Hungary.
WWW: <http://www.tramontana.co.hu/>www.tramontana.co.hu
E-mail: djg at tramontana.co.hu

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