[fpc-pascal](no subject)

Peter Dobrev peterdob at mbox.digsys.bg
Sun Jan 7 02:21:08 CET 2001

Hello again!
Look.. my question seems to be stupid but I'll ask you... What's the name of
the FPC IDE??
I've downloaded a package called "fpc-1.0.2.ELF.tar" from the FPC site.
While I was installing the package I was looking for IDE but didn't found
it. :(
Well if the package has installed everything please tell me how to start the
IDE.. what's the program name?
Thank you in advance !
Sorry for my terrible English
Best Wishes, Peter !

   .~.      ___     _  _____   ___ ___  __  __
   /V\      | |    (_) | __ \  | | | |  \ \/ /   Peter Dobrev
  // \\     | |__  | | | | | | | |_| |  |    |   Kazanlak/Bulgaria
 /(   )\    |____| |_| |_| |_|  \____|  /_/\_\   
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