[fpc-pascal]Win32 API Call

James_Wilson at i2.com James_Wilson at i2.com
Fri Dec 7 21:38:45 CET 2001

Thanks (again) Gabor for your help. And kudos to Thomas Schatzl as well. I 
took the suggestions both of you had and got it to work.

> Several problems and you're innocent in one of them... :-))

Well, what do you know -- perhaps I'm only half as dumb as I thought... 

> GetDiskFreeSpaceEx ('G:\', BytesAvail, BytesTotal, @BytesFree);

But is that why you're using the @ symbol for BytesFree? Somehow I get the 
feeling you're going to tell me no. And if you do, then how come the Win32 
Reference says all the values are pularge_integer but only ones need to be 
referenced by it's address?

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