[fpc-pascal]date handling routines

James_Wilson at i2.com James_Wilson at i2.com
Thu Aug 30 20:58:54 CEST 2001

> Wondering if there was already a unit available that could
> tell me the day of week a certain date was.  An example perhaps
> would be:

Try passing this function a packed longint and it should return the 
weekday in a 0..6 sequence, with 0 being Sunday. Note I didn't compile 
this so it might need to be tweaked.  :-)


Function DayOfWeek (DateToCheck : longint) : byte

  FileDays : array[1..12] of byte = (6,2,2,5,0,3,5,1,4,6,2,4);

  DateAndTime : datetime;
  AdjustedYear : integer;


  unpacktime (DateToCheck,DateAndTime);

  //  leap year adjustment
  if DateAndTime.month > 2 then AdjustedYear := DateAndTime.year else 
AdjustedYear := pred (DateAndTime.year);

  WeekDay := ((DateAndTime.day + (AdjustedYear div 4) - (AdjustedYear div 
100) + (AdjustedYear div 400) + DateAndTime.year + FileDays 
[DateAndTime.month]) mod 7);

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