[fpc-pascal]Re: Can't build documentation in PDF/any format

Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler ujr at physik.phy.tu-dresden.de
Thu Aug 30 08:39:36 CEST 2001

Carlos Laviola wrote:

> Can you please give me a hand with this? I don't have experience with
> teTeX, so I have no idea of what's wrong.
> The build log is attached (bz2). I'll be happy to give more details; I'm
> running Debian GNU/Linux (unstable), and this is FPK 1.0.4.


 on a first guess I wonder if you have edited /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf
 according to debian/Readme.Debian. The "pool size" and another setting
 have to be changed (don't know it exactly atm).

 And you should run debian/rules clean before doing another attempt
 to compile the docs (this is somewhat related to how Latex works with
 temporary files, *.aux a.s.o)

 Do you have up-to-date Debian tetex packages?


P.S.: You should send a patch with all your changes (e.g. changelog) to
      Peter Vreman <peter at freepascal.org>, he maintains the Debian port
      on the Free Pascal side.

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