[fpc-pascal]Reading the screen
Jeff Wormsley
daworm at cdc.net
Fri Sep 29 15:24:22 CEST 2000
On 09/29/2000 at 11:33 AM Martin Hankovec wrote:
>Can it be done in some way under Win console for WIN32 target?
>Under Linux I can use consolebuf. Can it be used under Win32 ?
This is code snagged from a console mode windowing unit I did last year in Delphi. It should be failry easy to make work in FPC. There is a lot of crap you won't need, but it is complete enough that you should be able to pop it into a test program and run it.
Uses Windows;
DestRect : TSmallRect;
Win_MaxX : Byte; { Max Window X }
Win_MaxY : Byte; { Max Window Y }
Win_MinX : Byte; { Min Window X }
Win_MinY : Byte; { Min Window Y }
Win_Save : Array[0..24, 0..79] of TCharInfo; { Window Save Buffer }
BuffSize : TCoord;
BuffCoord : TCoord;
hOut : THandle;
{ Win_Height ---------------------------------------------------------------- }
Function Win_Height: Word;
Win_Height := Win_MaxY - Win_MinY + 1 { Return Window Height }
{ Win_Width ----------------------------------------------------------------- }
Function Win_Width: Word;
Win_Width := Win_MaxX - Win_MinX + 1 { Return Window Width }
{ Win_Push ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
{ This code grabs a region of the screen and saves it in a buffer }
{ Screen region is defined by the coordinates in Win_MinX, Win_MinY, }
{ Win_MaxX, Win_MaxY. }
Procedure Win_Push;
Y : Byte;
DestRect.Left := 1;
DestRect.Top := 1;
DestRect.Right := Win_Width;
DestRect.Bottom := Win_Height;
BuffSize.X := Win_Width;
BuffSize.Y := Win_Height;
BuffCoord.X := 1;
BuffCoord.Y := 1;
ReadConsoleOutput(hOut, @Win_Save, BuffSize, BuffCoord, DestRect);
{ Win_Pull ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
{ This code puts the buffer back onto the screen }
{ Screen region is defined by the coordinates in Win_MinX, Win_MinY, }
{ Win_MaxX, Win_MaxY. }
Procedure Win_Pull;
Y : Byte;
DestRect.Left := 1;
DestRect.Top := 1;
DestRect.Right := Win_Width;
DestRect.Bottom := Win_Height;
BuffSize.X := Win_Width;
BuffSize.Y := Win_Height;
BuffCoord.X := 1;
BuffCoord.Y := 1;
WriteConsoleOutput(hOut, @Win_Save, BuffSize, BuffCoord, DestRect);
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