[fpc-pascal][vpascal at vpascal.com: Virtual Pascal Public Beta available]

Michael Knapp mknapp at gmx.at
Sun Sep 10 18:07:55 CEST 2000

Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> Is it possible to change the structure of the lib in that way so that all
> available targets are included in one package.
> Most of the files are equal in all three packages, well, and I have a dialup
> line to pay for...
> Or probably distribute it in a 'common' package which contains the equal
> code and three (substantially smaller) add-on zips ??

I'll think about that 

| Michael Knapp - Mauerbach - Niederösterreich - Austria - Europe |
| E-Mail: mknapp at gmx.at                             ICQ: 36542787 |
|   G r a p h i X  -  Freeware Graphics Library for Freepascal    |
|            http://graphix4pascal.freeservers.com                |
|           http://programmierer.freepage.de/graphix              |

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