[fpc-pascal]RTL Debugging

md md at realmwireless.com
Mon Oct 30 23:47:03 CET 2000

Marco and others:

The only "release" I have is the fpc-1.0.2-src.tar.gz.

What is use is the rpm-1.0.2-i386.rpm for redhat.

The GDBPAS does not appear anywhere in those archives.

So can you help me out a little and tell me a specific ftp site, a
specific archive, and a specific
filename to look at so I can finally be successful in obtaining GDBPAS.

Please translate "Afaik"

Thanks so much:

Mark Diener

Marco van de Voort wrote:
> > Where would you find GDBPAS? What is the address of the FTP site?
> Afaik, it is packaged with the release, except for the FreeBSD beta?
> Marco van de Voort (MarcoV at Stack.nl or marco at freepascal.org)
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