[fpc-pascal]GPF when accessing DOS memory

Michael Knapp mknapp at gmx.at
Thu Oct 5 19:14:16 CEST 2000

Sebastian Schuberth wrote:

> New(CIBMem);
> { Allocate DOS memory block and save segment / selector }
> If Not dpmiAllocDOSMem(SizeOf(CIB^), at CIBMem^.Segment, at CIBMem^.Selector)
> Then Exit;
> { Make CIB point to DOS memory }
> CIB:=Ptr(CIBMem^.Segment,0);

there is the error - Ptr() does not convert a real-mode adress to a
protected-mode offset
there should be a "real2protected" dpmi/go32v2 call

> { Write 'VBE2' signature into DOS memory, THIS IS WHERE FPC CRASHES }
> CIB^.Signature:=VBE2;

of course it crashes there

|  Michael Knapp - Mauerbach - Niederösterreich - Austria - Europe   |
|  E-Mail: mknapp at gmx.at                             ICQ: 36542787   |
| G r a p h i X            http://programmierer.freepage.de/graphix/ |
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