[fpc-pascal]Reading the screen under win32
Martin Hankovec
Martin.Hankovec at oku-st.cz
Mon Oct 2 08:14:18 CEST 2000
daworm wrote:
>>This is code snagged from a console mode windowing unit I did last year in Delphi. It should be failry easy to make work in FPC. There is a lot of crap you won't need, but it is complete enough that you should be able to pop it into a test program and run it.
I have put it into simple program:
uses Windows, Crt;
....Your code of procedures is here ....
{--- MY MAIN PROGRAM -----------}
win_minX:=1; {coordinates of whole screen}
writeln('Hi, how are You ?'); {write it at coord. 10,10}
win_push; {save it to buffer}
readln; {wait for ENTER}
writeln('Good morning once again.'); {write another message at coord. 10,10}
readln; {wait for ENTER}
win_pull; {restore screen - it should be message 1}
readln; {wait for ENTER}
{ ------ END OF PROGRAM --------}
Please, where is the bug in my program ? It doesn't work. It writes message 1 ("Hi, how are You ?"), waits for ENTER. Then the program writes over it message 2 ("Good morning once again."). It's right. And then, after pressing ENTER, it should restore the message 1. But nothing happens!
Thanks for help
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