[fpc-pascal]Re-Summarize external variables problem

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Thu Nov 23 10:06:11 CET 2000

> Please disregard all previous references to compiler problems of
> external variables.
> This is an FPC 1.0.2 problem under Linux.
> What I have noticed is that the ($MODE FPC} switch is global and cannot
> be toggled
> during the compilation of a given pascal unit.  
> The compiler mode regulates whether the following line will compile
> properly:
> Var
>  test : integer ; cvar ; external ;
> This will not compile under DELPHI mode, but it will under FPC mode. 

It won't compile either under Delphi, so it's refused in delphi mode.

> My workaround would be to use {$MODE} to switch ON the FPC mode and off
> immediately after the code
> for the external variable.  What happens in fact is the compiler mode
> seems locked to either one mode or another
> for a given compile and cannot be changed on the fly.
> Thus, delphi mode compilations of a given unit fail while FPC mode
> compilations succeed.  This appears to be a bug
> by not allowing a given compilation of units to compile under different
> modes.
> Some example code:
> Var
> {$MODE FPC}  //Turn FPC compiler mode on
> test : integer ; cvar ; external ;
> {$MODE DEFAULT}//Restore original compiler mode
> {$MODE FPC}  //Turn FPC compiler mode on
> test2 : integer ; external name 'test2' ;   ///(NAMED VERSION)
> {$MODE DEFAULT}//Restore original compiler mode

That is not possible and will only leed to problems. Becuase the size of integer can
change per mode.

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