[fpc-pascal]SegB800 analogy

Michail A.Baikov baikov at mosfilm.ru
Tue Nov 14 09:03:47 CET 2000

Jonas, i'm know how to use in BP70 ;). I'm say about Win32 :) Sorry, i'm not
say about that. Now I'm use Win32 API function (GetCharacter and
WriteCharactetandAttr or like ...) and all work. But thanks for answer.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonas Maebe" <jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be>
To: <fpc-pascal at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal]SegB800 analogy

> >How to get address of text video buffer in fpc? Analog SegB800 pointer in
> >BP70.
> Only under Dos:
> * in pascal:
> var
>   vscreen: array[0..24,0..79] of word absolute $b800:0;
> ...
> vscreen[y,x] := value;
> or
> mem[$b800:x+y*80*2] := value;
> * in assembler:
> {$asmmode intel}
> asm
>   mov al, fs:[$b8000+x+y*80*2]
> end;
> (pseudo-notation, of course you can't use the above unless x and y are
> constants). Note that the the $b8000 is intentional in the assembler
> code, it must not be $b800!

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