[fpc-devel] FPImage to LCL. How to do it?

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Mon Feb 24 20:22:26 CET 2025

I have an application where I need to rotate an image for displaying in 
an LCL image. The image is a clock face, the image to rotate is each of 
the hands.
I can get the bitmap from the source LCL image, and copy the rectangle 
from the LCL image canvas to the FPImage canvas.
I can rotate it, but I'm unable to copy back the resulting image to the 
LCL canvas, because I'm told that the  TFPImageCanvas is an 
"incompatible type" with TCanvas.
The only way I've found to get back the rotated image is to save it as a 
PNG to a file, and then load the PNG file, which of course is not a good 
way to do it.
Am I missing a point or something is missing in the FPImage implementation?

Any hints?


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