[fpc-devel] download or compile documentation

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Thu May 9 11:19:18 CEST 2024

On 2024-05-09 10:47, Marģers . via fpc-devel wrote:
>> On 2024-05-09 09:17, Marģers . via fpc-devel wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Is there a way to download human readable format documenation?
>>> Looking documentation of 3.2.2 and it is bad. Errors and errors.
>> What do you mean with "errors and errors"?
> Wrong word usage, decription of function does not mach function.

Well - if you mean that textual description, then you may want to check 
the latest state in the .xml files for the respective units. However, 
note that the description refers the released version and thus may not 
reflect recent changes in trunk.

If your "description" means information about parameters, their type, 
etc., (i.e. definition of the function interface), then note that this 
documentation is always generated from the respective sources (i.e. 
always correct from this point of view), however, it reflects the 
situation valid for the default target on which the documentation was 
generated which may result in certain differencies (e.g. in case that 
certain functions and/or their overloads are only available for certain 
targets, or that certain parameter types differ slightly among the 
targets for whatever reason - we try to avoid this as much as possible, 
but there are cases when this difference has certain impact).


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