[fpc-devel] LEA instruction speed

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Fri Oct 13 09:34:18 CEST 2023

On 2023-10-13 09:26, Tomas Hajny wrote:
> On 2023-10-12 20:02, J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel wrote:
>> So an update.
>  .
>  .
> The latest version of blea.pp doesn't compile with a 32-bit compiler -
> line 76 contains an unconditional reference to R8 register, which
> obviously doesn't for the 32-bit mode.

BTW, the line shouldn't be necessary at all, because global variables 
should be initialized to 0 on program start anyway as far as I know.

When fixing the problem above, compiling to 32-bit mode and running it, 
the test fails with an error in GetLogicalProcessorInformation (it 
states "8" in place of the error information; I wonder if it isn't 
misinterpreted, because 8 is number of logical CPUs on the machine used 
for running the test).


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