[fpc-devel] make OPT= OPTFPC= NEWOPT=

Marco van de Voort fpc at pascalprogramming.org
Fri Oct 6 15:11:23 CEST 2023

Op 6-10-2023 om 14:28 schreef Martin Frb via fpc-devel:
> What is the difference between those 3?

OPT= always to my best knowledge

NEWOPT is opt only for later cycles and the rest, iow not for the first 
FPC bootstrap cycle (that might be started with an older compiler 
version).  So it is for additional options that are not supported by the 
bootstrap compiler, but are supported by the newer compiler.

I don't know an "OPTFPC", and no files grep for it in the FPC or lazarus 
repos ?
> I came across OPTNEW here https://wiki.freepascal.org/LLVM
> But now I am trying to play with the rather old fpc build script for 
> the laz installer.
> And it calls
> %MAKEEXE% compiler_cycle PP=%RELEASE_PPC% >> %LOGFILE% 2>&1
> %MAKEEXE% rtl_clean  PP=%COMPILER% >> %LOGFILE%
> %MAKEEXE% rtl packages  PP=%COMPILER% OPT="-Ur -CX" >> %LOGFILE%
> %MAKEEXE% utils  PP=%COMPILER% OPT="-CX -XX -Xs" 
> DATA2INC=%SOURCE_DIR%\utils\data2inc >>
> ...
> And giving it just OPT=.... does not seem to do the trick.
> Oh, yes of course, ideally rewrite that old script... Well "someday" ....

.... but I always use the toplevel makefile. I haven't tried to manually 
compile parts of the project for non debug purposes like that  since FPC 
1.0.x days......  Even the already old buildfaq doesn't document such 
partial compiling.

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