[fpc-devel] Why: "Can't take the address of constant expressions" here?
Michael Van Canneyt
michael at freepascal.org
Thu Jan 12 15:30:09 CET 2023
On Wed, 11 Jan 2023, Bart via fpc-devel wrote:
> Given the following program (an excerpt form a test program for a
> bugreport about the fpwidestring unit):
> ===
> program test;
> {$codepage utf8}
> {$mode objfpc}
> {$h+}
> uses
> FpWideString;
> var
> WSource: WideString = 'source';
> USource: UnicodeString = 'source';
> WDest: WideString = '' ;
> UDest: UnicodeString = '';
> ASource: AnsiString = 'source';
> ADest: AnsiString = '';
> P: array[0..99] of AnsiChar;
> begin
> with WideStringManager do
> begin
> writeln(1);
> Wide2AnsiMoveProc(pwidechar(WSource),RawByteString(ADest),
> CP_UTF8, Length(WSource));
> writeln(2);
> Ansi2WideMoveProc(PChar(ASource), CP_UTF8, UDest,
> Length(ASource)); //<< test.lpr(24,53) Error: Can't take the address
> of constant expressions (caret behind UDest)
> end.
> ====
> C:\Users\Bart\LazarusProjecten\bugs\Console\fpwidestring>fpc test.lpr
> Free Pascal Compiler version 3.3.1 [2022/10/11] for i386
> Copyright (c) 1993-2022 by Florian Klaempfl and others
> Target OS: Win32 for i386
> Compiling test.lpr
> test.lpr(24,53) Error: Can't take the address of constant expressions
> ...
> UDest is of the wrong type here, it compiles fine with WDest (WideString).
> I just don't understand the "Can't take the address of constant expressions"
> I would have expected something like "Call by var for arg no. 3 has to
> match exactly: Got "UnicodeString" expected "WideString""
I think that what happens is that the compiler sees that it can convert
widestring to unicodestring and allows a conversion, so it inserts a
conversion node, but the result of the conversion is a constant expresson
so it generates an error in a later stage of compilation.
But my knowledge is limited, someone else will need to confirm this.
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