[fpc-devel] Unexpected "Range check error while evaluating constants" when compiling for Win64

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Sun Feb 12 18:26:21 CET 2023

If HKey is unsigned, then yes, the definition should be 
HKEY(DWORD($80000001)).  I do wonder why Win64 produces that particular 
error though because the final destination is an unsigned 64-bit integer.


On 12/02/2023 17:17, Bart via fpc-devel wrote:
> Hi,
> This code compiles happily for Win32, but refuses to compile for Win64:
> ====
> program test;
> {$mode objfpc}
> {$h+}
> uses
>    Registry;
> type
>    TA = class
>    private
>      FRootKey: HKey;
>    public
>      //Win64/X86_64 Error: Range check error while evaluating constants
> (18446744071562067969 must be between -2147483648 and 4294967295)
>      property RootKey: HKey read FRootKey write FRootKey default
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER;  //-2147483647
>    end;
> begin
> end.
> ===
> Is this "by design" or is it a bug?
> On Windows HKEY_CURRENT_USER is defined as HKEY(longint($80000001));
> HKey is defined as HANDLE = System.THandle = QWord on 64-bit, but it
> is DWord on 32-bit.
> So infact the value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER would be 2147483649 (as a
> DWord) on 32-bit, and 18446744071562067969 (as a QWord) on 64-bit?
> Shouldn't HKEY_CURRENT_USER et al. be defined as HKEY(DWORD(somevalue)) instead?
> Tested with fpc 3.2.2 and fpc main 3.3.1-2495-g6453af40d8

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