[fpc-devel] TProcess and redirection of StdIn/Out (e.g. from/to files)

Marco van de Voort fpc at pascalprogramming.org
Thu Dec 14 21:33:43 CET 2023

Op 14-12-2023 om 21:27 schreef Martin Frb via fpc-devel:
> I am actually pretty sure, on Linux, I can get what I want by doing it 
> in the "OnFork" event of TProcess.
> But on Windows it is well hidden away in the "Execute" method, nothing 
> virtual that could be intercepted.

Change the input handle and use popassinput ?

But I wonder if this is not too specialistic. It depends on how well you 
can abstract it into TProcess, and preferably in a somewhat similar way 
for all OSes.

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