[fpc-devel] Question about memory alignment (again!)

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed Aug 17 11:03:01 CEST 2022

On 17/08/2022 02:21, J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Recently I've made some optimisations centred around the SHR 
> instruction on x86, and there was one pair of instructions that caught 
> my attention:
> movl (%rbx),%eax
> shrl $24,%eax
> Is it permissible to optimise this to (x86 is little-endian):
> movzbl 3(%rbx),%eax?
> (You could also optimise "movl; sarl" into a "movsbl" instruction this 
> way)
> Logically the result is the same and it removes an instruction and a 
> pipeline stall, but will there be a performance hit that comes from 
> reading an unaligned byte of memory like that?

Doesn't shr set the carry flag to the former bit 23? (the last shifted out)
So its not the same, unless there is no dependency on the carry flag 
later on.

> I did make similar optimisation once before with QWords using the 
> implicit zero-extension of the 32-bit MOV instruction - that is:
> movq (%rbx),%rax
> shrq $32,%rax
> To:
> movl 4(%rbx),%eax
> This one is a little nicer though because it's still on a 32-bit 
> boundary and so was permissible.

Same issue?

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